Ministry of Education《Dictionary of Chinese Idioms》


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Enter “不” to find 449 Text and 1874 Appendix
Main Point
to take a risk to run the hazard to march forward courageously
the only way
infertile soil or land
outrageously arrogant
differ from conventions
a serious disease someone is critically ill and nearly at last gasp a severe illness a serious condition
remarkable outstanding
to become enemies and hate each other
untimely irrelevancy
to have the knowledge which lacks details to muddle through one's work not serious about learning to be perfunctory in learning things
not famous at all without eveidence
inconsiderable not worth mentioning
to be obviously to see apparent
a steady volitionindomitable
ambiguous not clear
to be terrified to be in terror of phobia
an undesigned coincidence
beyond all reasonirrationalabsurd
a bad appearance of bearing
to consult someone modestly
for contingent use
to be in a hopeless tangle aimless at random
to be calm and low-keyed
to be serious and cautious
to react quickly
to broadcast quickly
an uninvited guest
to be terrified to be in terror of phobia
rare in quantity
no comment
vague and unrealistic
benighted ignorant
an undesigned coincidence
to have little talentincapabilitypowerless
to use up one's mental capabilities do one's best
to lose or miss
to have little talent
one who can't tell from good or bad
inproper in attending to business
to be hard for money
absence of mind without unconcentration
ignorance for being young of age
to study hard to study diligently
to write articles with facility
an article which stray from the main subjectto give an irrelevant answer
in a dangerous situation
to work harddiligent in one's work
unwariness of introspection
to have little talent
a miserable destiny
in reality as well as in name
the name falls short of the reality
to win victory easily
a crafty plan
dishonest in speech
impatient and imperative
abundant and lush beautiful scenery
shameless unblushing
to work harddiligent in one's work
thin and weak body
to suffer a big loss for a little gain
to eat and swallow foods urgentlyto go to every expedient to meet an urgent need
someone cannot stop being excited
a good public order
powerfulwith a tremendous momentum
to become enemies and hate each other
extremely guilt or crime
to take the responsibility actively
to ingore coldly
absence of mind without unconcentration
a weak military strength
even more unfortunately
to be ill at ease to feel restless to be terrified to be in terror of phobia
horrible and shocking
joyful and happy
to forget one's own origins to be ungrateful joyful and happy
powerfulwith a tremendous momentumto make progress smoothly
to march forward courageously
to be stingy and greedy for money
be honest and without corruption with clean hands
without any change
careful and exact
to cultivate one's moral character ascetically elevated character respectable morals neatly clean
totally worthless
benighted ignorant to be stubborn and conservative
downhearted lax and low-spirited unable to restore
extremely guilt or crime
moral leprosy demoralization
an exaggerated speech
ruthless and devoid of human feelings
vexed and confused
ignorant and absurd
to follow closely
totally eliminated
to be good at communication good at conversation
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