Ministry of Education《Dictionary of Chinese Idioms》


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Main Point
to go to every expedient to be all-pervasive
dishonest in speech
cannot find any ways to slove the problem
very outstanding
to feel ashamed
a misfortune with unexpected happenings an accident
to be outrageous and mess things up
not specific in speaking
to be lazy and undisciplined
to be in a hopeless tangle aimless at random
to bemoan without reasons affected and artificial
incapability powerless
to be outrageous and mess things up
careful and exact
to be without comparison
something happens not singly but in pairs
without any effects
poor impoverished in straitened circumstances
benighted ignorant
unarmed with bare hands no weapon in one's hand
superb performance of skill
emerge for the first time
poor impoverished in straitened circumstances to retrench to be thrifty in daily spending
unbearable hard to tolerate once more
to have little talent
cool-headed and calm
to be duty-bound
rare in quantity
to be outrageous and mess things up
to march forward courageously
ambiguous not clear
to be thoroughly refuted or destroyed badly injured
to accomplish nothing
to enforce the law strictly
to have little talentincapabilitypowerless
inconsistency caprice
perfect and natural perfect
to be terrified to be in terror of phobia
to be terrified to be in terror of phobia
outrageously arrogant
being safe and completely uninjured
the name falls short of the reality
to stop half way pause
without any apprehension
equally education to people
to guard against in advance
cannot find any ways to slove the problem
to fall into a difficult positionl to get into scrapes
friendship of children
to maintain disciplines strictly
without any apprehension outrageously arrogant
easy and without sorrow
to have nothing to say
difficult to show one's ambition
loose and disunity
rare in quantity
quietlywithout noise
to enforce the law strictly
to have little talent
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