Ministry of Education《Dictionary of Chinese Idioms》


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Enter “出” to find 74 Text and 198 Appendix
Main Point
distinguished and outstanding
extensive knowledge
early blossoming of lotusbrisk and without vulgaritydelicate and pretty
fearless dauntless bold from birth to death
to speak insolently
victory in battlefield a superior strategy or plan to do something smoothly and successfully to have outstanding strategies
superb performance of skill
to bring disasters by oneselfto go back on one's wordinconsistencycaprice
distinguished and outstanding
to be very similar
to be ingenious
to be ingenious
without any experience
the latecomers surpass the oldtimers
to appear and disappear indefinitely
surprisingly with delight wildly with joy
very outstanding
to appear repeatly
to fail and be exposed
to become a Buddhist monk or nun to switch to another trade
to have new ways to replace the old ones
to be hard for money
the truth has been revealed
distinguished and outstanding
never leave one's home
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