Ministry of Education《Dictionary of Chinese Idioms》


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to be resolute and decisive to hack and chop heavily
rich and multiple
to enforce the law strictly
a well-known good reputation
a little difference almost the same
an exaggerated speech
in public
ruthless and devoid of human feelings
something that is worth recording
to be wrathful and angry; indignant; enraged
vexed and confused
surprisingly with delightwildly with joy
still water runs deep
fair and impartial
to achieve late
shout loudly to propose and appeal
ignorant and absurd
unstoppable uncontrollable
to apprehend suddenly
a significant point in dispute
a glorious future roads which extend in all directions
sloppy and careless a brief outline simple and sloopy
to be laughed at by others
make a terribly big mistaketo make a gross error
a huge difference
outrageously arrogant
outrageously arrogant
to have great skills or power
to suffer a big loss for a little gain
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