Ministry of Education《Dictionary of Chinese Idioms》


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Main Point
to hear but without attention to hear without understanding
to dedicate oneself to country bravely
follow the direction
vague and unrealistic bold and generous
with full experiences
one's great contributions in work
to proceed as quickly as possible
to muddle through one's work
to have nothing in common
to write articles with facility
feel ineasy in the turmoil of war
lively and crowded
a tiny clue
to fail and be exposed
soldier's maganificent appearance
absence of mind without unconcentration to be inconstant to be irresolute feebleminded
to grope about carelessly
beyond all reason irrational absurd
heroic bearing of soldier's appearance
good friends in one's childhood
to be outrageous and mess things up
to do evil and a disturbance
to get good out of misfortune
to prepare for fighting
to wake up to reality promptly
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